Common Fruits

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  1. 🍎 Apple
  2. 🍊 Orange
  3. 🥝 Kiwi
  4. 🍍 Pineapple
  5. 🥭 Mango
  6. 🍒 Cherry
  7. 🍉 Watermelon (404)
  8. 🥑 Avocado (404)
  9. 🍐 Pear (404)
  10. 🍋 Lemon (404)
  11. 🫐 Blueberry (404)
  12. 🫒 Olive (404)
  13. 🍈 Melon
  14. 🍌 Banana
  15. 🍓 Strawberry
  16. 🥥 Coconut
  17. 🍇 Grape
  18. 🍑 Peach
  19. 🍎 Apple (again)

Fruit Recipes

🍌 Banana splits 🫐 Blueberry smoothies 🍎 Apple strudel 🍑 Peach yogurt

Speculation Rules API

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